A 20-week discipleship program designed to create a platform for those who are struggling with life changes and desire a closer relationship with our Lord and Savior of Jesus Christ. The teachings are set up as stones that build upon each other to create deeper intimacy and produce permanent change. It is our hope that these teachings will work in conjunction with the ministers of the program to help stir up in love and the good works of each participant through the Word of God, testimonies, and as living examples.
The goal of this program is also to witness spiritual growth and discernment as we minister to each need using the model of the geese. If a goose dies, becomes wounded or ill, or is shot down, two geese drop out of formation and follow it to the ground to help protect it until it dies or can fly again. While we can’t fly like geese, we can drop out of formation to minister to our sisters who are spiritually wounded. We will stand together in unity, as you seek spiritual maturity. All sessions are done virtually unless otherwise noted.